Using Smilo

1. Use an application built on Smilo

The best way to get started with Smilo is to jump right in! There are many Smilo-based applications that you can use today.

Here are just a few apps built on Smilo - we rotate this list frequently!

  • 20Face Play Market, Manage your decentralized identity with this application - Google Play
  • 20Face IOS, Manage your decentralized identity with this application - Apple IOS

Some of these applications might require a wallet - see the section below for more information.

Interested in looking at more applications built on Smilo or Ethereum?

2. What is XSM, and how do I get it?

XSM is Smilo's native currency. It is "digital money" that can be sent over the internet instantly and cheaply, and also be used in many Smilo-based applications like the ones above.

The easiest way to get XSM is to buy some. There are many cryptocurrency exchanges that will allow you to buy XSM, but the one you should use will depend on where you live and how you want to pay.

3. What is a wallet, and which one should I use?

Wallets are applications that make it easy to hold and send XSM, as well as interact with applications built on Smilo.

Want to install a wallet?

  • MetaMask browser extension for Chrome, Brave, Firefox and Opera

Want to learn more about Smilo wallets?

Want to learn more about securely storing funds and managing private keys?